Monday, 29 February 2016

Time flies when you're having fun

What a crazy week!! I have had some of the most exciting things happen this week! Firstly, I have been selected to be a part of the TEDed programme where I will be ultimately doing a TED talk at my end of year exhibition (anyone who knows me, will know how exciting this is to me). I think this is such a great opportunity for me to really refine my presentation skills in one of the worlds most renowned formats!
Secondly, I was blessed with the opportunity to interview for an amazing role at my dream company!! Regardless of the outcome, it's been a massive honour to even be considered, I had the interview today so fingers crossed. I also randomly attended a audition for the pineapple annual showcase- with my divalution commercial class and got it- so expect to see me in a costume in the near future..
Aaaand I also got my exam results back and after months and months of slaving on them, I am pleased to say I got *drum roll please* straight As. I increased my grade massively from all my previous exam results too which is a massive bonus- what a feeling when hard work pays off.

Plus massive happy birthday to my dream of a flatmate Polly! I fully decorated our flat for her and it looks fabulous! I think I need to sit down... What a week

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