This is also quite topical to me, as our uni are about to do an amazing collab with TED ed, as a one off TEDxUAL talk happening later on in the year. I'm so excited and really wanted to apply to talk, but just didn't have the time to apply whilst I was swamped in final year exams- but moaning aside- I'm so excited to see the kind of insights that will come out of my innovative uni. I'm hoping it will be something along the lines of the #1 most viewed post "Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity", a topic close to my heart. As someone who has always focussed on creative subjects throughout my education, I've always pushed for recognition for the importance of creativity in my learning and have found that my achievements were sometimes downplayed by my school as they were simply not "academic" accomplishments- in-spite of being one of the highest achieving students in both academic and creative subjects.
Anyway, my favourite speaker at the moment is a man called Simon Sinek, focussing on talks to do with leadership and management. I've recently watched one of his 2005 talks on how leaders inspire action, but I have to say my favourite of the moment, is the 2014 talk on "Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe". I won't explain all the content, but its really interesting how the psychology and actions of a leader can generate trust and even 'love' in their teams, driving higher capacity for productivity and innovation because people feel safe- the perceived risk of error decreases.
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