Thursday, 11 February 2016

LCF X Mad about the boy

Today on my journey to the infamous LCF library (to slave away on my dissertation lol), I stopped off in our uni Fashion Space Gallery, a contemporary show-space for LCF students and researchers. The exhibition at the moment is called Mad About the Boy, a conversational piece exploring "fashion's obsession with youth, focussing on the ways the teenage boys are constructed through specific collections and fashion images". I thought it was a really interesting topic, as although there is raising discussion on the way young girls are sexualised in the media- there is very little information on how this is on the rise, or always has been the case for young boys too. The show itself showed pieces both inspired by and influencing the construction of the teenage boy- including garments from Raf Simons SS16, Gosha Rubchinsky SS15,  Martine Rose SS15, and loads more. The art pieces are also provocative - imagine paint splatter, nudity, bathrooms and f**k it smeared across a mirror.

As someone who takes great interest in contemporary feminist views, which was sparked after reading Unspeakable Things by Laurie Penny a few years ago, I believe that we need to stop thinking of the difference between woman and man, and begin communicating in a genderless form if we are ever going to reach equality.

What's your opinion?
Check out the exhibition website here


  1. Hello! I really like your blog! I have an interview for LCF fashion and development next week and I was wondering if you can tell me more about it :)

    1. Hello Illa! Thank you so much!
      I study Fashion Management, but will happy to answer any questions you have about LCF life in general - send me any questions to and I'll reply as soon as I can :)
