Sunday, 7 February 2016

Let's start again.

Hello beautiful people! So some may have followed this blog from the beginning (if any of you guys are left I'm so impressed- it's officially been 2 years since I last posted eeeeek!) but I feel that it's time to start blogging again and time to start afresh. I'm going back to basics.
I'm coming up to a pinnacle point of my studies and career, as a soon to be London College of Fashion, Fashion Management graduate/alumni- I'm edging closer and closer to my dreaded dissertation deadline in May. I think it's time to share a journey, which is probably going to be filled with uncertainty, opportunities, learnings and failures, all which will shape me into the person and hopefully one day, future leader in my field.
As some may know and some may not know - I am an aspiring digital marketer, and the industry I have been obsessed with (since I was 10) is Fashion. I have worked my butt off since I was about 11 (nope not even exaggerating lol) to work in the infamous Fashion industry so I've decided that this blog has now evolved to be a focus on how I'm going to keep growing to get there (I'm guessing a lot of blood, sweat and tears - there's already been plenty of tears and not nearly enough sleep) and also my way to share all the amazing things that I'm learning along the way.
My course has been one of the most enriched experiences I've had in my life, filled with its fair share of learnings, from all areas of fashion management itself, to life skills, like people, pressures, boundaries and most importantly, myself.
Keep following for more posts as I've already got so much to share!

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