Tuesday, 1 March 2016
MFW: Dolce & Gabbana
NB: Images courtesy of Vogue.com
So in the light of it being Milan Fashion Week, my second favourite Fashion week of all (I feel I have some kind of patriotic commitment to LFW), I thought I'd do a review of my favourite show so far.
Let's talk about Dolce and Gabbana.
That. Finale.
I'm practically a magpie, give me some iridescence or some metallic and I'm hooked.
The finale garments were simple short sleeved mini dresses embellished by a ream of coloured metallic disks- the ultimate pick me up for the winter blues (lets not forget this is an AW17 collection).
The collection as a whole featured a beautiful mix of renaissance inspired prints, 40's-esque designs and avant grade floral embellishments. The rich tones were also comprised of rich burgundies, navy tones, blacks, reds, browns and of course a splash of metallic. My favourite looks can be found above.
Check it out for yourself here
Monday, 29 February 2016
Time flies when you're having fun
What a crazy week!! I have had some of the most exciting things happen this week! Firstly, I have been selected to be a part of the TEDed programme where I will be ultimately doing a TED talk at my end of year exhibition (anyone who knows me, will know how exciting this is to me). I think this is such a great opportunity for me to really refine my presentation skills in one of the worlds most renowned formats!
Secondly, I was blessed with the opportunity to interview for an amazing role at my dream company!! Regardless of the outcome, it's been a massive honour to even be considered, I had the interview today so fingers crossed. I also randomly attended a audition for the pineapple annual showcase- with my divalution commercial class and got it- so expect to see me in a costume in the near future..
Aaaand I also got my exam results back and after months and months of slaving on them, I am pleased to say I got *drum roll please* straight As. I increased my grade massively from all my previous exam results too which is a massive bonus- what a feeling when hard work pays off.
Plus massive happy birthday to my dream of a flatmate Polly! I fully decorated our flat for her and it looks fabulous! I think I need to sit down... What a week
Thursday, 11 February 2016
LCF X Mad about the boy
As someone who takes great interest in contemporary feminist views, which was sparked after reading Unspeakable Things by Laurie Penny a few years ago, I believe that we need to stop thinking of the difference between woman and man, and begin communicating in a genderless form if we are ever going to reach equality.
What's your opinion?
Check out the exhibition website here
Fashion Space Gallery
London College of Fashion
Mad About the Boy
Raf Simons
Sunday, 7 February 2016
TED X My Obsession
This is also quite topical to me, as our uni are about to do an amazing collab with TED ed, as a one off TEDxUAL talk happening later on in the year. I'm so excited and really wanted to apply to talk, but just didn't have the time to apply whilst I was swamped in final year exams- but moaning aside- I'm so excited to see the kind of insights that will come out of my innovative uni. I'm hoping it will be something along the lines of the #1 most viewed post "Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity", a topic close to my heart. As someone who has always focussed on creative subjects throughout my education, I've always pushed for recognition for the importance of creativity in my learning and have found that my achievements were sometimes downplayed by my school as they were simply not "academic" accomplishments- in-spite of being one of the highest achieving students in both academic and creative subjects.
Anyway, my favourite speaker at the moment is a man called Simon Sinek, focussing on talks to do with leadership and management. I've recently watched one of his 2005 talks on how leaders inspire action, but I have to say my favourite of the moment, is the 2014 talk on "Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe". I won't explain all the content, but its really interesting how the psychology and actions of a leader can generate trust and even 'love' in their teams, driving higher capacity for productivity and innovation because people feel safe- the perceived risk of error decreases.
Let's start again.
Hello beautiful people! So some may have followed this blog from the beginning (if any of you guys are left I'm so impressed- it's officially been 2 years since I last posted eeeeek!) but I feel that it's time to start blogging again and time to start afresh. I'm going back to basics.
I'm coming up to a pinnacle point of my studies and career, as a soon to be London College of Fashion, Fashion Management graduate/alumni- I'm edging closer and closer to my dreaded dissertation deadline in May. I think it's time to share a journey, which is probably going to be filled with uncertainty, opportunities, learnings and failures, all which will shape me into the person and hopefully one day, future leader in my field.
As some may know and some may not know - I am an aspiring digital marketer, and the industry I have been obsessed with (since I was 10) is Fashion. I have worked my butt off since I was about 11 (nope not even exaggerating lol) to work in the infamous Fashion industry so I've decided that this blog has now evolved to be a focus on how I'm going to keep growing to get there (I'm guessing a lot of blood, sweat and tears - there's already been plenty of tears and not nearly enough sleep) and also my way to share all the amazing things that I'm learning along the way.
My course has been one of the most enriched experiences I've had in my life, filled with its fair share of learnings, from all areas of fashion management itself, to life skills, like people, pressures, boundaries and most importantly, myself.
Keep following for more posts as I've already got so much to share!
I'm coming up to a pinnacle point of my studies and career, as a soon to be London College of Fashion, Fashion Management graduate/alumni- I'm edging closer and closer to my dreaded dissertation deadline in May. I think it's time to share a journey, which is probably going to be filled with uncertainty, opportunities, learnings and failures, all which will shape me into the person and hopefully one day, future leader in my field.
As some may know and some may not know - I am an aspiring digital marketer, and the industry I have been obsessed with (since I was 10) is Fashion. I have worked my butt off since I was about 11 (nope not even exaggerating lol) to work in the infamous Fashion industry so I've decided that this blog has now evolved to be a focus on how I'm going to keep growing to get there (I'm guessing a lot of blood, sweat and tears - there's already been plenty of tears and not nearly enough sleep) and also my way to share all the amazing things that I'm learning along the way.
My course has been one of the most enriched experiences I've had in my life, filled with its fair share of learnings, from all areas of fashion management itself, to life skills, like people, pressures, boundaries and most importantly, myself.
Keep following for more posts as I've already got so much to share!
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